APA Thermopan 65 L / 80 L / 100 L, can produce heat while any heat source is working also it can produce hot water using electical energy. This means that in summer and spring you can produce hot water with electricity instead of having an extra water heater while your boiler is not working.
Apa Termo is a thermosyphon model that heats and stores the water in it by both electric energyand means of an auxiliary heat source (central heating, central system boiler, solar energy system and geothermal heat).
Apa Termo is a product that warms the water by circulating the hot water coming from the auxiliary heat source in the coil and it does not need to use electrical energy if the domestic water temperature is sufficient, thus enabling saving of electrical energy. Sample; Apamet Thermo can easily be used wherever hot water is needed, such as villas, vineyards, apartments and construction sites.
Due to its isolation, it can be easily installed in all indoor and outdoor spaces.
Our product is enameled and magnesium anode rod is attached.
Why Enamel?
It is hygienic and provides healthy usage by preventing the growth of bacteria and microorganisms due to the smooth inner surface of the enamel.
Why Anode rod ?
It provides protection against lime and corrosion.
Boiler cover, galvanized electrostatic powder coating
with temperature display, thermostat, electric heater immersion element, serpentine and insulated.